The principle "Ethical Norms for the New Generation Artificial Intelligence" has mentioned the topic "security" in the following places:

    Chapter 1. General Principles

    This set of norms aims to integrate ethics into the entire life cycle of AI, to promote fairness, justice, harmony, safety and security, and to avoid issues such as prejudice, discrimination, privacy and information leakage.

    Chapter 1. General Principles

    (3) Protecting privacy and security.

    Chapter 1. General Principles

    Fully respect the rights of personal information, to know, and to consent, etc., handle personal information, protect personal privacy and data security in accordance with the principles of lawfulness, justifiability, necessity, and integrity, do no harm to the legitimate rights of personal data, must not illegally collect and use personal information by stealing, tampering, or leaking, etc., and must not infringe on the rights of personal privacy.

    Chapter 3. The Norms of Research and Development

    Enhance safety, security and transparency.

    Chapter 5. The Norms of Use

    It is strictly forbidden to endanger national security, public safety and production safety, and it is strictly forbidden to do harm to public interests.

    Chapter 5. The Norms of Use

    Actively participate in the practice of AI ethics and governance, prompt feedback to relevant subjects and assistance for solving problems are expected when technical safety and security flaws, policy and law vacuums, and lags of regulation are found in the use of AI products and services.