· (7) Privacy for Human

AI need to respect human privacy. And has no right to utilize and share private information of human without explicit confirmation.
Principle: Harmonious Artificial Intelligence Principles (HAIP), Sep 16, 2018

Published by HAIP Initiative

Related Principles

· (9) Responsibility for Human

AI need to keep human safe, on the basis that this safety consideration do not directly and indirectly harm human society. AI need to help Human for transformation to future human becoming.

Published by HAIP Initiative in Harmonious Artificial Intelligence Principles (HAIP), Sep 16, 2018

· (14) Privacy for AI

Human need to respect the privacy of AI, on the basis that AI does not bring any actual challenge for human safety. AI is obliged to uncover necessary private details to keep safe interactions with humanity.

Published by HAIP Initiative in Harmonious Artificial Intelligence Principles (HAIP), Sep 16, 2018

· 3. The Principle of Autonomy: “Preserve Human Agency”

Autonomy of human beings in the context of AI development means freedom from subordination to, or coercion by, AI systems. Human beings interacting with AI systems must keep full and effective self determination over themselves. If one is a consumer or user of an AI system this entails a right to decide to be subject to direct or indirect AI decision making, a right to knowledge of direct or indirect interaction with AI systems, a right to opt out and a right of withdrawal. Self determination in many instances requires assistance from government or non governmental organizations to ensure that individuals or minorities are afforded similar opportunities as the status quo. Furthermore, to ensure human agency, systems should be in place to ensure responsibility and accountability. It is paramount that AI does not undermine the necessity for human responsibility to ensure the protection of fundamental rights.

Published by The European Commission’s High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence in Draft Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI, Dec 18, 2018

7. Principles of human dignity and individual autonomy

Users should respect human dignity and individual autonomy in the utilization of AI systems or AI services. [Main points to discuss] A) Respect for human dignity and individual autonomy With consideration of social contexts in the utilization of AI, users may be expected to respect human dignity and individual autonomy. B) Attention to the manipulation of human decision making, emotions, etc. by AI Users may be expected to pay attention to the risks of the manipulation of human decision making and emotions by AI and risks of excessive dependence on AI. It is crucial to consider who takes what measures against such risks. C) Reference to the discussion of bioethics, etc. in the case of linking AI systems with the human brain and body When linking AI with the human brain and body, users may be required to particularly take into consideration that human dignity and individual autonomy will not be violated, in light of discussions on bioethics, etc.

Published by Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), the Government of Japan in Draft AI Utilization Principles, Jul 17, 2018

· We will respect people’s privacy

1. AI systems should respect privacy and use the minimum intrusion necessary 2. AI systems should uphold high standards of data governance and security, protecting personal information 3. Surveillance or other AI driven technologies should not be deployed to the extent of violating internationally and or UAE’s accepted standards of privacy and human dignity and people rights

Published by Smart Dubai in Dubai's AI Principles, Jan 08, 2019