Where appropriate, AI stakeholders should design, develop and use AI systems to promote, as much as possible, the wellbeing of New Zealand’s people and environment in areas such as health, education, employment, sustainability, diversity, inclusion and recognition of the unique values of Te Ao Māori.
Principle: Trustworthy AI in Aotearoa: The AI Principles, Mar 4, 2020

Published by the Law, Society and Ethics Working Group of the AI Forum,New Zealand

Related Principles

Human, social and environmental wellbeing

Throughout their lifecycle, AI systems should benefit individuals, society and the environment. This principle aims to clearly indicate from the outset that AI systems should be used for beneficial outcomes for individuals, society and the environment. AI system objectives should be clearly identified and justified. AI systems that help address areas of global concern should be encouraged, like the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. Ideally, AI systems should be used to benefit all human beings, including future generations. AI systems designed for legitimate internal business purposes, like increasing efficiency, can have broader impacts on individual, social and environmental wellbeing. Those impacts, both positive and negative, should be accounted for throughout the AI system's lifecycle, including impacts outside the organisation.

Published by Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Australian Government in AI Ethics Principles, Nov 7, 2019

· 1. The Principle of Beneficence: “Do Good”

AI systems should be designed and developed to improve individual and collective wellbeing. AI systems can do so by generating prosperity, value creation and wealth maximization and sustainability. At the same time, beneficent AI systems can contribute to wellbeing by seeking achievement of a fair, inclusive and peaceful society, by helping to increase citizen’s mental autonomy, with equal distribution of economic, social and political opportunity. AI systems can be a force for collective good when deployed towards objectives like: the protection of democratic process and rule of law; the provision of common goods and services at low cost and high quality; data literacy and representativeness; damage mitigation and trust optimization towards users; achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals or sustainability understood more broadly, according to the pillars of economic development, social equity, and environmental protection. In other words, AI can be a tool to bring more good into the world and or to help with the world’s greatest challenges.

Published by The European Commission’s High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence in Draft Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI, Dec 18, 2018

• Foster Innovation and Open Development

To better understand the impact of AI and explore the broad diversity of AI implementations, public policy should encourage investment in AI R&D. Governments should support the controlled testing of AI systems to help industry, academia, and other stakeholders improve the technology. [Recommendations] • Fuel AI innovation: Public policy should promote investment, make available funds for R&D, and address barriers to AI development and adoption. • Address global societal challenges: AI powered flagship initiatives should be funded to find solutions to the world’s greatest challenges such as curing cancer, ensuring food security, controlling climate change, and achieving inclusive economic growth. • Allow for experimentation: Governments should create the conditions necessary for the controlled testing and experimentation of AI in the real world, such as designating self driving test sites in cities. • Prepare a workforce for AI: Governments should create incentives for students to pursue courses of study that will allow them to create the next generation of AI. • Lead by example: Governments should lead the way on demonstrating the applications of AI in its interactions with citizens and invest sufficiently in infrastructure to support and deliver AI based services. • Partnering for AI: Governments should partner with industry, academia, and other stakeholders for the promotion of AI and debate ways to maximize its benefits for the economy.

Published by Intel in AI public policy principles, Oct 18, 2017

3. Make AI Serve People and Planet

This includes codes of ethics for the development, application and use of AI so that throughout their entire operational process, AI systems remain compatible and increase the principles of human dignity, integrity, freedom, privacy and cultural and gender diversity, as well as with fundamental human rights. In addition, AI systems must protect and even improve our planet’s ecosystems and biodiversity.

Published by UNI Global Union in Top 10 Principles For Ethical Artificial Intelligence, Dec 11, 2017

8. Prepare children for present and future developments in AI

Develop and update formal and informal education programmes globally to include technical and soft skills needed to flourish in an AI world, including in the future workplace. Consider a national self assessment for teachers to assess and then develop their AI awareness and skills. Leverage the use of AI systems in education, when it is appropriate. Facilitate and encourage collaboration between businesses and educational institutions. Develop and promote awareness campaigns for parents, caregivers and society as a whole.

Published by United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the Ministry of in Requirements for child-centred AI, Sep 16, 2020