7. Open and Collaboration

Cross disciplinary and cross boundary exchanges and cooperation should be encouraged in the development of AI. Coordinated interactions should be fostered among international organizations, government agencies, research institutions, educational institutions, industries, social organizations and the general public in the development and governance of AI. With full respect for the principles and practices of AI development in various countries, international dialogues and cooperation should be encouraged to promote the formation of an international AI governance framework with broad consensus.
Principle: Governance Principles for the New Generation Artificial Intelligence--Developing Responsible Artificial Intelligence, Jun 17, 2019

Published by National Governance Committee for the New Generation Artificial Intelligence, China

Related Principles

· (7) Innovation

To realize Society 5.0 and continuous innovation in which people evolve along with AI, it is necessary to account for national, industry academia, and public private borders, race, sex, nationality, age, political and religious beliefs, etc. Beyond these boundaries, through a Global perspective we must promote diversification and cooperation between industry academia public private sectors, through the development of human capabilities and technology. To encourage mutual collaboration and partnership between universities, research institutions and private sectors, and the flexible movement of talent. To implement AI efficiently and securely in society, methods for confirming the quality and reliability of AI and for efficient collection and maintenance of data utilized in AI must be promoted. Additionally, the establishment of AI engineering should also be promoted. This engineering includes methods for the development, testing and operation of AI. To ensure the sound development of AI technology, it is necessary to establish an accessible platform in which data from all fields can be mutually utilized across borders with no monopolies, while ensuring privacy and security. In addition, research and development environments should be created in which computer resources and highspeed networks are shared and utilized, to promote international collaboration and accelerate AI research. To promote implementation of AI technology, governments must promote regulatory reform to reduce impeding factors in AI related fields.

Published by Cabinet Office, Government of Japan in Social Principles of Human-centric AI, Dec 27, 2018

· 2.5. International co operation for trustworthy AI

a) Governments, including developing countries and with stakeholders, should actively cooperate to advance these principles and to progress on responsible stewardship of trustworthy AI. b) Governments should work together in the OECD and other global and regional fora to foster the sharing of AI knowledge, as appropriate. They should encourage international, crosssectoral and open multi stakeholder initiatives to garner long term expertise on AI. c) Governments should promote the development of multi stakeholder, consensus driven global technical standards for interoperable and trustworthy AI. d) Governments should also encourage the development, and their own use, of internationally comparable metrics to measure AI research, development and deployment, and gather the evidence base to assess progress in the implementation of these principles.

Published by G20 Ministerial Meeting on Trade and Digital Economy in G20 AI Principles, Jun 09, 2019

· 2.5. International co operation for trustworthy AI

a) Governments, including developing countries and with stakeholders, should actively cooperate to advance these principles and to progress on responsible stewardship of trustworthy AI. b) Governments should work together in the OECD and other global and regional fora to foster the sharing of AI knowledge, as appropriate. They should encourage international, crosssectoral and open multi stakeholder initiatives to garner long term expertise on AI. c) Governments should promote the development of multi stakeholder, consensus driven global technical standards for interoperable and trustworthy AI. d) Governments should also encourage the development, and their own use, of internationally comparable metrics to measure AI research, development and deployment, and gather the evidence base to assess progress in the implementation of these principles.

Published by The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in OECD Principles on Artificial Intelligence, May 22, 2019


5.1. Correctness of AIS comparisons. To maintain the fair competition and effective cooperation of developers, AI Actors should use the most reliable and comparable information about the capabilities of AISs in relation to a task and ensure the uniformity of the measurement methodologies. 5.2. Development of competencies. AI Actors are encouraged to follow practices adopted by the professional community, to maintain the proper level of professional competence necessary for safe and effective work with AIS and to promote the improvement of the professional competence of workers in the field of AI, including within the framework of programs and educational disciplines on AI ethics. 5.3. Collaboration of developers. AI Actors are encouraged to develop cooperation within the AI Actor community, particularly between developers, including by informing each other of the identification of critical vulnerabilities in order to prevent their wide distribution. They should also make efforts to improve the quality and availability of resources in the field of AIS development, including by increasing the availability of data (including labeled data), ensuring the compatibility of the developed AIS where applicable and creating conditions for the formation of a national school for the development of AI technologies that includes publicly available national repositories of libraries and network models, available national development tools, open national frameworks, etc. They are also encouraged to share information on the best practices in the development of AI technologies and organize and hold conferences, hackathons and public competitions, as well as high school and student Olympiads. They should increase the availability of knowledge and encourage the use of open knowledge databases, creating conditions for attracting investments in the development of AI technologies from Russian private investors, business angels, venture funds and private equity funds while stimulating scientific and educational activities in the field of AI by participating in the projects and activities of leading Russian research centers and educational organizations.

Published by AI Alliance Russia in Artificial Intelligence Code of Ethics, Oct 26, 2021

· Multi stakeholder and adaptive governance and collaboration

46. International law and national sovereignty must be respected in the use of data. That means that States, complying with international law, can regulate the data generated within or passing through their territories, and take measures towards effective regulation of data, including data protection, based on respect for the right to privacy in accordance with international law and other human rights norms and standards. 47. Participation of different stakeholders throughout the AI system life cycle is necessary for inclusive approaches to AI governance, enabling the benefits to be shared by all, and to contribute to sustainable development. Stakeholders include but are not limited to governments, intergovernmental organizations, the technical community, civil society, researchers and academia, media, education, policy makers, private sector companies, human rights institutions and equality bodies, anti discrimination monitoring bodies, and groups for youth and children. The adoption of open standards and interoperability to facilitate collaboration should be in place. Measures should be adopted to take into account shifts in technologies, the emergence of new groups of stakeholders, and to allow for meaningful participation by marginalized groups, communities and individuals and, where relevant, in the case of Indigenous Peoples, respect for the self governance of their data.

Published by The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in The Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence, Nov 24, 2021