2. We design for people

We strive to create AI software systems that are inclusive and that seek to empower and augment the talents of our diverse usership. By providing human centered user experiences through augmentative and intuitive technologies, we leverage AI to support people in maximizing their potential. To achieve this, we design our systems closely with users in a collaborative, multidisciplinary, and demographically diverse environment.
Principle: SAP's Guiding Principles for Artificial Intelligence, Sep 18, 2018

Published by SAP

Related Principles

3. We put our customers first.

We enrich and simplify our customers’ lives. If an AI system or the usage of customer related data helps us to benefit our customers, we embrace this opportunity to meet their demands and expectations. The aggregation and use of customer data – especially in AI systems – shall always be clear and serve a useful purpose towards our customers. Systems and processes that support in the background are as important as services that interact with our customers directly

Published by Deutsche Telekom in Deutsche Telekom’s guidelines for artificial intelligence, May 11, 2018


Google aspires to create technologies that solve important problems and help people in their daily lives. We are optimistic about the incredible potential for AI and other advanced technologies to empower people, widely benefit current and future generations, and work for the common good. We believe that these technologies will promote innovation and further our mission to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful. We recognize that these same technologies also raise important challenges that we need to address clearly, thoughtfully, and affirmatively. These principles set out our commitment to develop technology responsibly and establish specific application areas we will not pursue.

Published by Google in Artificial Intelligence at Google: Our Principles, Jun 7, 2018

· 1.4 Interpretability

We are committed to partnering with others across government, private industry, academia, and civil society to find ways to mitigate bias, inequity, and other potential harms in automated decision making systems. Our approach to finding such solutions should be tailored to the unique risks presented by the specific context in which a particular system operates. In many contexts, we believe tools to enable greater interpretability will play an important role.

Published by Information Technology Industry Council (ITI) in AI Policy Principles, Oct 24, 2017


Recognizing the significant impact of AI on people, our customers, and wider society, SAP designed these guiding principles to steer the development and deployment of our AI software to help the world run better and improve people’s lives. For us, these guidelines are a commitment to move beyond what is legally required and to begin a deep and continuous engagement with the wider ethical and socioeconomic challenges of AI. We look forward to expanding our conversations with customers, partners, employees, legislative bodies, and civil society; and to making our guiding principles an evolving reflection on these discussions and the ever changing technological landscape.

Published by SAP in SAP's Guiding Principles for Artificial Intelligence, Sep 18, 2018

3. We enable businesses beyond bias

Bias can negatively impact AI software and, in turn, individuals and our customers. This is particularly the case when there is a risk of causing discrimination or of unjustly impacting underrepresented groups. We, therefore, require our technical teams to gain a deep understanding of the business problems they are trying to solve, and the data quality this demands. We seek to increase the diversity and interdisciplinarity of our teams, and we are investigating new technical methods for mitigating biases. We are also deeply committed to supporting our customers in building even more diverse businesses by leveraging AI to build products that help move business beyond bias.

Published by SAP in SAP's Guiding Principles for Artificial Intelligence, Sep 18, 2018