The development and use of AIS must contribute to the creation of a just and equitable society. 1) AIS must be designed and trained so as not to create, reinforce, or reproduce discrimination based on — among other things — social, sexual, ethnic, cultural, or religious differences. 2) AIS development must help eliminate relationships of domination between groups and people based on differences of power, wealth, or knowledge. 3) AIS development must produce social and economic benefits for all by reducing social inequalities and vulnerabilities. 4) Industrial AIS development must be compatible with acceptable working conditions at every step of their life cycle, from natural resources extraction to recycling, and including data processing. 5) The digital activity of users of AIS and digital services should be recognized as labor that contributes to the functioning of algorithms and creates value. 6) Access to fundamental resources, knowledge and digital tools must be guaranteed for all. 7) We should support the development of commons algorithms — and of open data needed to train them — and expand their use, as a socially equitable objective.
Published by University of Montreal in The Montreal Declaration for a Responsible Development of Artificial Intelligence, Dec 4, 2018