· Privacy protection

Comply with privacy requirements, and safeguard against data abuse Privacy by design (PBD)
Principle: "ARCC": An Ethical Framework for Artificial Intelligence, Sep 18, 2018

Published by Tencent Research Institute

Related Principles

· Article 7: Protect privacy.

Adhere to the principles of legality, legitimacy, and necessity when collecting and using personal information. Strengthen privacy protection for special data subjects such as minors. Strengthen technical methods, ensure data security, and be on guard against risks such as data leaks.

Published by Artificial Intelligence Industry Alliance (AIIA), China in Joint Pledge on Artificial Intelligence Industry Self-Discipline (Draft for Comment), May 31, 2019

• Rethink Privacy

Privacy approaches like The Fair Information Practice Principles and Privacy by Design have withstood the test of time and the evolution of new technology. But with innovation, we have had to “rethink” how we apply these models to new technology. [Recommendations] • Adopt Robust Privacy Laws: Based on the OECD Fair Information Practice Principles. • Implement Privacy by Design: Follow Intel’s Rethinking Privacy approach to implement Privacy by Design into AI product and project development. • Keep data secure: Policies should help enable cutting edge AI technology with robust cyber and physical security to mitigate risks of attacks and promote trust from society. • It takes data for AI to protect data: Governments should adopt policies to reduce barriers to the sharing of data for cybersecurity purposes.

Published by Intel in AI public policy principles, Oct 18, 2017

6. Data Security and Privacy Protection

In the development and use of artificial intelligence solutions, users' personal privacy and data security need to be strictly protected.

Published by Megvii in Artificial Intelligence Application Criteria, Jul 8, 2019

6. Security and privacy:

AI systems must work securely and respect the privacy of users.

Published by The Pontifical Academy for Life, Microsoft, IBM, FAO, the Italia Government in Rome Call for AI Ethics, Feb 28, 2020

· 1) Privacy:

Stipulate relevant laws and regulations, verify user ownership, strengthen the awareness of privacy protection, develop algorithms and technologies of privacy protection, collect and use data in an open, transparent and lawful manner.

Published by Youth Work Committee of Shanghai Computer Society in Chinese Young Scientists’ Declaration on the Governance and Innovation of Artificial Intelligence, Aug 29, 2019