· Prepare Input Data:

1 An important aspect of the Accountability and Responsibility principle during Prepare Input Data step in the AI System Lifecycle is data quality as it affects the outcome of the AI model and decisions accordingly. It is, therefore, important to do necessary data quality checks, clean data and ensure the integrity of the data in order to get accurate results and capture intended behavior in supervised and unsupervised models. 2 Data sets should be approved and signed off before commencing with developing the AI model. Furthermore, the data should be cleansed from societal biases. In parallel with the fairness principle, the sensitive features should not be included in the model data. In the event that sensitive features need to be included, the rationale or trade off behind the decision for such inclusion should be clearly explained. The data preparation process and data quality checks should be documented and validated by responsible parties. 3 The documentation of the process is necessary for auditing and risk mitigation. Data must be properly acquired, classified, processed, and accessible to ease human intervention and control at later stages when needed.
Principle: AI Ethics Principles, Sept 14, 2022

Published by SDAIA

Related Principles

IV. Transparency

The traceability of AI systems should be ensured; it is important to log and document both the decisions made by the systems, as well as the entire process (including a description of data gathering and labelling, and a description of the algorithm used) that yielded the decisions. Linked to this, explainability of the algorithmic decision making process, adapted to the persons involved, should be provided to the extent possible. Ongoing research to develop explainability mechanisms should be pursued. In addition, explanations of the degree to which an AI system influences and shapes the organisational decision making process, design choices of the system, as well as the rationale for deploying it, should be available (hence ensuring not just data and system transparency, but also business model transparency). Finally, it is important to adequately communicate the AI system’s capabilities and limitations to the different stakeholders involved in a manner appropriate to the use case at hand. Moreover, AI systems should be identifiable as such, ensuring that users know they are interacting with an AI system and which persons are responsible for it.

Published by European Commission in Key requirements for trustworthy AI, Apr 8, 2019

· 2. Data Governance

The quality of the data sets used is paramount for the performance of the trained machine learning solutions. Even if the data is handled in a privacy preserving way, there are requirements that have to be fulfilled in order to have high quality AI. The datasets gathered inevitably contain biases, and one has to be able to prune these away before engaging in training. This may also be done in the training itself by requiring a symmetric behaviour over known issues in the training set. In addition, it must be ensured that the proper division of the data which is being set into training, as well as validation and testing of those sets, is carefully conducted in order to achieve a realistic picture of the performance of the AI system. It must particularly be ensured that anonymisation of the data is done in a way that enables the division of the data into sets to make sure that a certain data – for instance, images from same persons – do not end up into both the training and test sets, as this would disqualify the latter. The integrity of the data gathering has to be ensured. Feeding malicious data into the system may change the behaviour of the AI solutions. This is especially important for self learning systems. It is therefore advisable to always keep record of the data that is fed to the AI systems. When data is gathered from human behaviour, it may contain misjudgement, errors and mistakes. In large enough data sets these will be diluted since correct actions usually overrun the errors, yet a trace of thereof remains in the data. To trust the data gathering process, it must be ensured that such data will not be used against the individuals who provided the data. Instead, the findings of bias should be used to look forward and lead to better processes and instructions – improving our decisions making and strengthening our institutions.

Published by The European Commission’s High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence in Draft Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI, Dec 18, 2018

· Prepare Input Data:

1 Following the best practice of responsible data acquisition, handling, classification, and management must be a priority to ensure that results and outcomes align with the AI system’s set goals and objectives. Effective data quality soundness and procurement begin by ensuring the integrity of the data source and data accuracy in representing all observations to avoid the systematic disadvantaging of under represented or advantaging over represented groups. The quantity and quality of the data sets should be sufficient and accurate to serve the purpose of the system. The sample size of the data collected or procured has a significant impact on the accuracy and fairness of the outputs of a trained model. 2 Sensitive personal data attributes which are defined in the plan and design phase should not be included in the model data not to feed the existing bias on them. Also, the proxies of the sensitive features should be analyzed and not included in the input data. In some cases, this may not be possible due to the accuracy or objective of the AI system. In this case, the justification of the usage of the sensitive personal data attributes or their proxies should be provided. 3 Causality based feature selection should be ensured. Selected features should be verified with business owners and non technical teams. 4 Automated decision support technologies present major risks of bias and unwanted application at the deployment phase, so it is critical to set out mechanisms to prevent harmful and discriminatory results at this phase.

Published by SDAIA in AI Ethics Principles, Sept 14, 2022

· Plan and Design:

1 When designing a transparent and trusted AI system, it is vital to ensure that stakeholders affected by AI systems are fully aware and informed of how outcomes are processed. They should further be given access to and an explanation of the rationale for decisions made by the AI technology in an understandable and contextual manner. Decisions should be traceable. AI system owners must define the level of transparency for different stakeholders on the technology based on data privacy, sensitivity, and authorization of the stakeholders. 2 The AI system should be designed to include an information section in the platform to give an overview of the AI model decisions as part of the overall transparency application of the technology. Information sharing as a sub principle should be adhered to with end users and stakeholders of the AI system upon request or open to the public, depending on the nature of the AI system and target market. The model should establish a process mechanism to log and address issues and complaints that arise to be able to resolve them in a transparent and explainable manner. Prepare Input Data: 1 The data sets and the processes that yield the AI system’s decision should be documented to the best possible standard to allow for traceability and an increase in transparency. 2 The data sets should be assessed in the context of their accuracy, suitability, validity, and source. This has a direct effect on the training and implementation of these systems since the criteria for the data’s organization, and structuring must be transparent and explainable in their acquisition and collection adhering to data privacy regulations and intellectual property standards and controls.

Published by SDAIA in AI Ethics Principles, Sept 14, 2022

3 Ensure transparency, explainability and intelligibility

AI should be intelligible or understandable to developers, users and regulators. Two broad approaches to ensuring intelligibility are improving the transparency and explainability of AI technology. Transparency requires that sufficient information (described below) be published or documented before the design and deployment of an AI technology. Such information should facilitate meaningful public consultation and debate on how the AI technology is designed and how it should be used. Such information should continue to be published and documented regularly and in a timely manner after an AI technology is approved for use. Transparency will improve system quality and protect patient and public health safety. For instance, system evaluators require transparency in order to identify errors, and government regulators rely on transparency to conduct proper, effective oversight. It must be possible to audit an AI technology, including if something goes wrong. Transparency should include accurate information about the assumptions and limitations of the technology, operating protocols, the properties of the data (including methods of data collection, processing and labelling) and development of the algorithmic model. AI technologies should be explainable to the extent possible and according to the capacity of those to whom the explanation is directed. Data protection laws already create specific obligations of explainability for automated decision making. Those who might request or require an explanation should be well informed, and the educational information must be tailored to each population, including, for example, marginalized populations. Many AI technologies are complex, and the complexity might frustrate both the explainer and the person receiving the explanation. There is a possible trade off between full explainability of an algorithm (at the cost of accuracy) and improved accuracy (at the cost of explainability). All algorithms should be tested rigorously in the settings in which the technology will be used in order to ensure that it meets standards of safety and efficacy. The examination and validation should include the assumptions, operational protocols, data properties and output decisions of the AI technology. Tests and evaluations should be regular, transparent and of sufficient breadth to cover differences in the performance of the algorithm according to race, ethnicity, gender, age and other relevant human characteristics. There should be robust, independent oversight of such tests and evaluation to ensure that they are conducted safely and effectively. Health care institutions, health systems and public health agencies should regularly publish information about how decisions have been made for adoption of an AI technology and how the technology will be evaluated periodically, its uses, its known limitations and the role of decision making, which can facilitate external auditing and oversight.

Published by World Health Organization (WHO) in Key ethical principles for use of artificial intelligence for health, Jun 28, 2021