面向儿童的人工智能北京共识(Artificial Intelligence for Children: Beijing Principles)

发布者: Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence (BAAI), Peking University, Tsinghua University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, together with enterprises that focus on AI development.

发布者类型: Academia, Non-profits and Non-Governmental Organizations;Industry

国家或地区: China

缩写: Beijing Children 2020

发表日期: Sep 14, 2020

人工智能政策原则(AI Policy Principles)

发布者: Information Technology Industry Council (ITI)

发布者类型: Academia, Non-profits and Non-Governmental Organizations

国家或地区: United States

缩写: ITI 2017

发表日期: Oct 24, 2017


发布者: National Governance Committee for the New Generation Artificial Intelligence, China

发布者类型: Governments and Intergovernmental Organizations

国家或地区: China

缩写: NGCNGAI 2021

发表日期: Sep 25, 2021

迪拜的人工智能原则(Dubai's AI Principles)

发布者: Smart Dubai

发布者类型: Governments and Intergovernmental Organizations

国家或地区: United Arab Emirates

缩写: Smart Dubai 2019

发表日期: Jan 08, 2019

人工智能十条原则(10 AI rules)

发布者: Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft

发布者类型: Industry

国家或地区: United States

缩写: Nadella 2016

发表日期: Jun 28, 2016


(人工智能的6个“必须”)(6 "musts" for A.I.) 1. 人工智能必须被设计旨在帮助人类(A.I. must be designed to assist humanity) 2. 人工智能必须透明(A.I. must be transparent) 3. 人工智能必须在最大化效率的同时不损害人类的尊严(A.I. must maximize efficiencies without destroying the dignity of people) 4. 人工智能必须被设计用于智能的隐私——以可获得信任的方式,通过复杂的保护来确保个人和团体的信息安全(A.I. must be designed for intelligent privacy — sophisticated protections that secure personal and group information in ways that earn trust.) 5. 人工智能必须具有算法上的问责性,以便人类可以撤销意外伤害。我们必须针对预期和意外情况设计这些技术(A.I. must have algorithmic accountability so that humans can undo unintended harm. We must design these technologies for the expected and the unexpected.) 6. 人工智能必须防止偏见,确保适当的和有代表性的研究,以便错误的启发式方法不能被用来进行区别对待(A.I. must guard against bias, ensuring proper, and representative research so that the wrong heuristics cannot be used to discriminate.) (人类的4个“必须”)(4 “musts” for humans) 1. 共情((Humans will need) Empathy) 2. 教育((Humans will need) Education) 3. 创造力((Humans will need) Creativity) 4. 判断和责任((Humans will need) Judgment and accountability)
人工智能伦理准则(Artificial Intelligence Code of Ethics)

发布者: AI Alliance Russia

发布者类型: Governments and Intergovernmental Organizations

国家或地区: Russia

缩写: Russia 2021

发表日期: Oct 26, 2021

人工智能伦理准则(修订)(AI Ethics Code (revised version))

发布者: AI Alliance Russia

发布者类型: Governments and Intergovernmental Organizations

国家或地区: Russia

缩写: Russia 2022

发表日期: Oct 21, 2022 (unconfirmed)

人工智能安全发展上海倡议(Shanghai Initiative for the Safe Development of Artificial Intelligence)

发布者: Shanghai Advisory Committee of Experts on Artificial Intelligence Industry Security

发布者类型: Academia, Non-profits and Non-Governmental Organizations

国家或地区: China

缩写: SHAIISEAC 2019

发表日期: Aug 30, 2019

新西兰可信人工智能:人工智能原则(Trustworthy AI in Aotearoa: The AI Principles)

发布者: the Law, Society and Ethics Working Group of the AI Forum,New Zealand

发布者类型: Academia, Non-profits and Non-Governmental Organizations

国家或地区: New Zealand

缩写: Aotearoa 2020

发表日期: Mar 4, 2020

和谐人工智能原则:具体规范(Harmonious Artificial Intelligence Principles: Concrete Code)

发布者: HAIP Initiative

发布者类型: Academia, Non-profits and Non-Governmental Organizations

国家或地区: China

缩写: HAIP 2018

发表日期: Sep 16, 2018

人工智能伦理与数据保护宣言(Declaration On Ethics And Data Protection In Artifical Intelligence)

发布者: 40th International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners (ICDPPC)

发布者类型: Academia, Non-profits and Non-Governmental Organizations

国家或地区: International

缩写: ICDPPC 2018

发表日期: Oct 23, 2018


(序言) 1. 人工智能与机器学习技术的设计、开发和使用应该尊重基本人权,并与公正原则相一致,特别是:(Artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies should be designed, developed and used in respect of fundamental human rights and in accordance with the fairness principle, in particular by:) 2. 确保对人工智能系统潜在影响和后果的持续关注和警惕,以及问责,特别是:(Continued attention and vigilance, as well as accountability, for the potential effects and consequences of, artificial intelligence systems should be ensured, in particular by:) 3. 人工智能系统的透明性和可理解性应以有效实施为目标不断改善,特别是:(Artificial intelligence systems transparency and intelligibility should be improved, with the objective of effective implementation, in particular by:) 4. 作为总体上“伦理设计”方法的一部分,人工智能系统应该采用默认隐私、设计隐私等原则,被负责任地设计与开发,特别是:(As part of an overall “ethics by design” approach, artificial intelligence systems should be designed and developed responsibly, by applying the principles of privacy by default and privacy by design, in particular by:) 5. 应促进每个个体的赋权,个体权利的行使以及公众的参与应被鼓励,特别是:(Empowerment of every individual should be promoted, and the exercise of individuals’ rights should be encouraged, as well as the creation of opportunities for public engagement, in particular by:) 6. 来自人工智能数据使用中的非法的偏见或歧视应该被减少并消除,包括:(Unlawful biases or discriminations that may result from the use of data in artificial intelligence should be reduced and mitigated, including by:) (结语)
合乎伦理的设计:一般原则(Ethically Aligned Design (v2): General Principles)

发布者: The IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems

发布者类型: Academia, Non-profits and Non-Governmental Organizations

国家或地区: International

缩写: IEEE 2017

发表日期: (v1) Dec 13, 2016. (v2) Dec 12, 2017

蒙特利尔人工智能负责任开发宣言(The Montreal Declaration for a Responsible Development of Artificial Intelligence)

发布者: University of Montreal, Forum on the Socially Responsible Development of AI

发布者类型: Academia, Non-profits and Non-Governmental Organizations

国家或地区: Canada

缩写: Montreal 2017

发表日期: Nov 3, 2017


发布者: Center for International Strategy and Security, Tsinghua University (Tsinghua CISS)

发布者类型: Academia, Non-profits and Non-Governmental Organizations

国家或地区: China

缩写: Tsinghua CISS 2019

发表日期: Jan 23, 2019

“快车道”原则(The FAST Track Principles)

发布者: The Alan Turing Institute

发布者类型: Academia, Non-profits and Non-Governmental Organizations

国家或地区: United Kingdom

缩写: Alan Turing Inst 2019

发表日期: Jun 10, 2019


发布者: The Extended Working Group on Ethics of Artificial Intelligence (AI) of the World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST), UNESCO

发布者类型: Governments and Intergovernmental Organizations

国家或地区: International

缩写: COMEST 2019

发表日期: Mar 21, 2019

国防部人工智能伦理原则(AI Ethics Principles for DoD)

发布者: Defense Innovation Board (DIB), Department of Defense (DoD), United States

发布者类型: Governments and Intergovernmental Organizations

国家或地区: United States

缩写: DoDDIB 2019

发表日期: Oct 31, 2019

开发和使用人工智能的伦理宣言(Declaration Of Ethics For The Development And Use Of Artificial Intelligence (unofficial translation))

发布者: IA Latam

发布者类型: Academia, Non-profits and Non-Governmental Organizations

国家或地区: International

缩写: IA Latam 2019

发表日期: Feb 8, 2019 (unconfirmed)


(序言) 1. 确保人工智能的发展服务于个人与社会。开发出的人工智能技术必须服从于其创造者,只要其不与人的自主、个人的和公共的利益相冲突。(Ensure the development of an AI at the service of individuals and society. The developed AI technology must obey its creators, as long as they do not conflict with human autonomy, the individual good and the common good.) 2. 人工智能的开发者对他们的项目负责,并且必须考虑每一个项目给社会带来的影响。我们将致力于避免潜在有害或滥用的应用。在我们开发和实现人工智能技术的同时,我们将基于以下几个因素来评估可能的使用:用途、性质和影响。(AI developers are responsible for their projects and must take into account the impact that each project may have on society. We will work to avoid potentially harmful or abusive applications. As we develop and implement AI technologies, we will evaluate probable uses in light of the following factors: Purpose, nature and Impact.) 3. 鉴于智能系统的不确定性性质,必须建立对一个系统的持续测试与验证,包括给系统的输入以及系统整体行为。人工智能系统的结构必须建立行为约束。(Given the non deterministic nature of intelligent systems, a system of constant tests and validations must be established, including the inputs made to the system and its overall behavior. The architecture of AI systems must establish behavioral limits.) 4. 保护每个人对于他们(敏感个人信息)数据的隐私权利,并以同样的方式在首先征得所有者同意的情况下对每个个人的信息以合乎伦理的方式使用。对于用人工智能来生成新数据,每个人的同意将是必需的。(Protect the right of each person on the privacy of their data (sensitive personal information) and in the same way give ethical use to the information of each individual always with the prior consent of its owner. Each person's consent will be required regarding the use of the generation of new data created from the AI.) 5. 人工智能技术的开发应考虑对环境的影响。每个创造物带来的影响不能代表对我们环境的威胁。(The development of an AI technology should take care of the effects on the environment. The impact that each creation may have cannot represent a threat to our environment.) 6. 人工智能的发展及其效应必须总是符合现行法律,并尊重当地的文化与社会规范。(The development of AI technologies and their effects must always be in compliance with current legislation and respect local cultural and social norms.) 7. 在各层次上以最高标准尊重并保护知识产权。参与创建的所有的参与者将获得针对他们作品的相应的报酬。(Respect and protect intellectual property at all levels and to the highest standard. All actors involved in the creation will receive the corresponding compensation for their work.) 8. 避免偏见与不公对人们的影响,尤其是那些涉及敏感特征的,例如种族、民族、性别、国籍、收入、性取向、能力以及政治和宗教信仰。(Avoid biases and unfair impacts on people, particularly those related to sensitive characteristics such as race, ethnicity, gender, nationality, income, sexual orientation, ability and political or religious beliefs.) 9. 劳动力转换是现实,人工智能的发展也必须在原则上进行协助,通过教育与补足必需的新技能和能力,对其取代的劳动力进行再培训与安置。(The labor transformation is a reality, the development of AI must also as a principle collaborate in the retraining and placement of the labor force that it replaces, through education and complement of the new skills and competencies necessary.) 10. 分配资源并专注于系统与数据的安全。网络安全必须是每个人的优先考虑,不仅是为了维护与改进服务,还是营造必须的信任的基础。(Allocate resources and focus on the security of systems and data. Cyber ​​security must be a priority for everyone, not only to maintain and improve services, but also as a fundamental part of creating the necessary trust.) 11. 致力于开放研究,学术严谨,诚信与协作。人工智能工具在生物、化学、医学及环境科学等关键领域具备解锁新的科学研究领域和知识的潜力。在推动人工智能发展的同时,我们渴望高标准的科学成就。(Commitment to open research, intellectual rigor, integrity and collaboration. AI tools have the potential to unlock new areas of scientific research and knowledge in critical domains such as biology, chemistry, medicine and environmental sciences. We aspire to high standards of scientific excellence while working to advance the development of AI.)

发布者: Megvii

发布者类型: Industry

国家或地区: China

缩写: Megvii 2019

发表日期: Jul 8, 2019

Partnership on AI:原则(Partnership on AI: Tenets)

发布者: Partnership on AI

发布者类型: Academia, Non-profits and Non-Governmental Organizations

国家或地区: United States

缩写: PAI 2016

发表日期: Sep 28, 2016 (unconfirmed)


1. 我们将努力确保人工智能技术能够使尽可能多的人受益并赋能于他们(We will seek to ensure that AI technologies benefit and empower as many people as possible.) 2. 我们将教育和倾听公众的意见,积极吸引利益相关者,寻求他们对我们关注的反馈,告知他们我们的工作,并解决他们的问题(We will educate and listen to the public and actively engage stakeholders to seek their feedback on our focus, inform them of our work, and address their questions.) 3. 我们致力于开展有关人工智能的道德、社会、经济和法律影响的研究和对话(We are committed to open research and dialogue on the ethical, social, economic, and legal implications of AI.) 4. 我们认为,人工智能研究和开发工作需要积极吸纳广泛的利益相关方的参与并对他们负责(We believe that AI research and development efforts need to be actively engaged with and accountable to a broad range of stakeholders.) 5. 我们将与企业界的利益相关方进行互动并吸收各方代表,以帮助确保理解和解决特定领域的问题和机遇(We will engage with and have representation from stakeholders in the business community to help ensure that domain specific concerns and opportunities are understood and addressed.) 6. 我们将致力于最大化利益并解决人工智能技术的潜在挑战,通过:(We will work to maximize the benefits and address the potential challenges of AI technologies, by:) a. 努力保护个人的隐私和安全(Working to protect the privacy and security of individuals.) b. 努力理解并尊重可能受人工智能进展所影响的各方的利益(Striving to understand and respect the interests of all parties that may be impacted by AI advances.) c. 努力确保人工智能研究和工程社区保持对社会负责、敏感,并直接参与人工智能技术对更广泛社会的潜在影响(Working to ensure that AI research and engineering communities remain socially responsible, sensitive, and engaged directly with the potential influences of AI technologies on wider society.) d. 确保人工智能研究和技术稳健,可靠,值得信赖,并在安全约束下运行(Ensuring that AI research and technology is robust, reliable, trustworthy, and operates within secure constraints.) e. 反对开发和使用违反国际公约或人权的人工智能技术,并促进安全保障和不造成伤害的技术(Opposing development and use of AI technologies that would violate international conventions or human rights, and promoting safeguards and technologies that do no harm.) 7. 我们认为,人工智能系统的运行对人们来说应是可以理解和可解读的,这对于解释人工智能技术很重要。We believe that it is important for the operation of AI systems to be understandable and interpretable by people, for purposes of explaining the technology. 8. 我们努力在人工智能科学家和工程师之间创造一种合作、信任和开放的文化,以帮助我们更好地实现这些目标(We strive to create a culture of cooperation, trust, and openness among AI scientists and engineers to help us all better achieve these goals.)
罗马关于人工智能伦理的呼吁(Rome Call for AI Ethics)

发布者: The Pontifical Academy for Life, Microsoft, IBM, FAO, the Italia Government

发布者类型: Governments and Intergovernmental Organizations

国家或地区: International

缩写: Rome Call 2020

发表日期: Feb 28, 2020

人工智能伦理原则(Principles for AI Ethics)

发布者: Samsung

发布者类型: Industry

国家或地区: South Korea

缩写: Samsung 2019

发表日期: Apr 24, 2019 (unconfirmed)

国防部人工智能伦理原则(DoD's AI ethical principles)

发布者: Department of Defense (DoD), United States

发布者类型: Governments and Intergovernmental Organizations

国家或地区: United States

缩写: US DoD 2020

发表日期: Feb 24, 2020

负责任地使用人工智能:我们的指导原则(Responsible use of artificial intelligence (AI): Our guiding principles)

发布者: Government of Canada

发布者类型: Governments and Intergovernmental Organizations

国家或地区: Canada

缩写: Canada 2019

发表日期: 2019 (unconfirmed)

负责任算法的原则(Principles for Accountable Algorithms)

发布者: Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency in Machine Learning (FAT/ML)

发布者类型: Academia, Non-profits and Non-Governmental Organizations

国家或地区: International

缩写: FATML 2016

发表日期: Jul 22, 2016 (unconfirmed)

国家人工智能伦理标准(National AI Ethical Guidelines (draft))

发布者: The Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT) and the Korea Information Society Development Institute (KISDI)

发布者类型: Governments and Intergovernmental Organizations

国家或地区: South Korea

缩写: South Korea 2020

发表日期: Nov 27, 2020

政府使用人工智能系统的七项原则(Seven principles on the use of AI systems in government)

发布者: The Treasury Board Secretariat of Canada (TBS)

发布者类型: Governments and Intergovernmental Organizations

国家或地区: Canada

缩写: TBS Canada 2018

发表日期: Jun 28, 2018 (unconfirmed)


1. 人们应该总是被人类所管理,且也应感受到在被人类所管理(People should always be governed – and perceive to be governed – by people;) 2. 代表政府而部署的人工智能系统应当被训练成能够反映公共部门的价值观和伦理,以及加拿大的和国际的人权的义务;这些系统应该被用来强化这些价值观(AI systems deployed on behalf of government should be trained to reflect the Values and Ethics of the Public Sector as well as Canadian and international human rights obligations; they should be used to reinforce these values where possible;) 3. 相关机构应当为人工系统的行为负责,并构建可审核的系统(Organizations are accountable for the actions of AI systems, and should build systems that are auditable;) 4. 在理解保护隐私与国家安全的需求的同时,人工智能系统应该被以尽可能透明的方式部署(Understanding the need to protect privacy and national security, AI systems should be deployed in the most transparent manner possible;) 5. 相关机构应当确保在人工智能系统失效时可靠的应急措施已到位,或者能够向无法访问系统的人们提供服务(Organizations should ensure that reliable contingencies are in place for when AI systems fail, or to provide services to those unable to access these systems;) 6. 人工智能系统应该在一个多元化的团队中开发,这样的团队应包括能够评估系统的伦理与社会经济影响的人(AI systems should be developed in a diverse team that includes individuals capable of assessing the ethical and socioeconomic implications of the system;) 7. 人工智能系统应该以对员工的负面影响最小化的方式部署,并应该在可行的情况下让系统与员工一起协作(AI systems should be deployed in a manner that minimizes negative impact to employees where possible, and should, where feasible, be created alongside the employees that will work with them.)
人工智能伦理原则(AI Ethics Principles)

发布者: Adobe

发布者类型: Industry

国家或地区: United States

缩写: Adobe 2021

发表日期: Feb 17, 2021

认知时代的原则(Principles for the Cognitive Era)

发布者: IBM

发布者类型: Industry

国家或地区: United States

缩写: IBM 2017

发表日期: Jan 17, 2017

发展和使用人工智能技术的基本原则(Basic Principles of the Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence Technologies)

发布者: Office of the President of the Russian Federation, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the Development of Artificial Intelligence in the Russian Federation

发布者类型: Governments and Intergovernmental Organizations

国家或地区: Russia

缩写: Russia 2019

发表日期: Oct 10, 2019

美国人工智能倡议的5个指导原则(Five guiding principles of American AI Initiative)

发布者: The White House, United States

发布者类型: Governments and Intergovernmental Organizations

国家或地区: United States

缩写: US AI Initiative 2019

发表日期: Feb 11, 2019


(a) 美国必须推动整个联邦政府、产业界和学术界的人工智能技术突破,以促进科学发现、经济竞争力和国家安全。(The United States must drive technological breakthroughs in AI across the Federal Government, industry, and academia in order to promote scientific discovery, economic competitiveness, and national security.) (b) 美国必须推动相应的技术标准的发展,减少对人工智能技术的安全测试和部署的障碍,以为新的人工智能相关产业的创建和已有行业采用人工智能创造条件。(The United States must drive development of appropriate technical standards and reduce barriers to the safe testing and deployment of AI technologies in order to enable the creation of new AI related industries and the adoption of AI by today’s industries.) (c) 美国必须培养当前和未来几代美国工人开发和应用人工智能技术的技能,以为今天的经济和未来的工作做好准备。(The United States must train current and future generations of American workers with the skills to develop and apply AI technologies to prepare them for today’s economy and jobs of the future.) (d) 美国必须培养公众对人工智能技术的信任和信心,并在人工智能技术的应用中保护公民自由、隐私以及美国的价值观,以为美国人民充分挖掘人工智能技术的潜力。(The United States must foster public trust and confidence in AI technologies and protect civil liberties, privacy, and American values in their application in order to fully realize the potential of AI technologies for the American people.) (e) 美国必须推动一个国际环境,来支持美国人工智能的研发及创新,并为美国人工智能产业开放市场,在此同时保护我们在人工智能上的技术优势,并保护我们的关键人工智能技术不被战略竞争对手和敌对国家收购。(The United States must promote an international environment that supports American AI research and innovation and opens markets for American AI industries, while protecting our technological advantage in AI and protecting our critical AI technologies from acquisition by strategic competitors and adversarial nations.)